Protestors take the streets in Seattle after NYPD officer avoids indictment in death of Eric Garner

As news of  another white police officer cleared of wrongdoing in the death of an African American man made national news, demonstrators around the U.S. took to the streets in major cities. Protests were rekindled for Eric Garner, accused of selling cigarettes. When approached by Justin Damico – NYPD, he was placed in a banned restraining hold and could be heard saying “I can’t breathe”, 11 times.  New York City medical examiners concluded that Garner was killed by neck compression from the choke hold along with “the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police”. A video of the incident has been widely shared through social media, helping to reignite protests in the wake of the Ferguson decision.

From the event Facebook page…

Once again! The system has given a stamp approval for the cops to murder black people with impunity. The whole world saw Eric Garner chocked to death. Black lives Matter! If you think so too, prove it and be out in Westlake tonight.

Cop that Murdered Eric Garner HAS WALKED: TONIGHT! Into The Streets to Demand Justice

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